Telescopic pole
AAK Safety AS



Product number: 6683

Big Shot Throw Weight Launcher.

Easy to use

Efficientive aid

Throwing bag and line to be bought individually

1 In stock



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Product description

The perfect aid for installing ropes at height.

Throwing bags can be launched up to a height of 30 - 40 metres.

In combination with a thin pilot line, this allows for the suspension of climbing ropes or safety ropes in a very simple way.


Length (cm)
Net weight (kg)
Country of origin
35010 240 2.4 Canada

Technical data

Product properties
The perfect aid for installing ropes at height.

Throwing bags can be launched up to a height of 30 - 40 metres.

In combination with a thin pilot line, this allows for the suspension of climbing ropes or safety ropes in a very simple way.